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MacWilliam Associates Established 1993

MacWilliam Associates was established over thirty years ago, in 1993, by Tim MacWilliam (Fellow of The Royal Society for Public Health) to offer a personal and cost effective training consultancy to the hospitality, catering and leisure industry and their suppliers. We offer a bespoke service to our clients specific requirements
MacWilliam Associates have worked with scores of businesses, large and small, throughout the United Kingdom, For further help on training your team, writing a safety policy, risk assessment or consultancy, food hygiene, fire safety, fire risk assesment, COSHH, Manual Handling and much more email here.
We offer a montly retainer plan that will cover statutory requirements and training for little more than a part time employee.
MacWilliam Associates16 Holly Court Wymondham Norfolk NR18 0HG tim@macwilliamassociates.co.uk
Food Safety Training; Food Safety Training; Food Safety Training
Basic Food Hygiene Certificate; Basic Food Hygiene Certificate;
Health and Safety Risk Assessment; Fire Safety Training
Food Hygiene Certificate; www.timmacwilliam.com www.sitstilltimmy.com ADHD ADHD ADHD
* This exam is designed to be at broadly level two certificate. However this is not a lead body accredited or nationally accredited qualification or exam. The exam should only be taken with this clearly understood. Any CPD accredited logo is for the organisation as a whole and not for the specific exam or for any certificate that may be issued although the logo may be featured on the certificate where appropriate.
No tests or exams are accredited but aimed to give an appropriate level of awareness. Any person or business completes an on line test based on these credentials.
for details on payment go to the contact page